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Department of Education

Department of Education in its research, publication and teaching activities focuses on general pedagogy and didactics, religious education, leisure education, experiential education, social and special education, aesthetic education and philosophy of education.


Department of Education in its research, publication and teaching activities focuses on general pedagogy and didactics, religious education, leisure education, experiential education, social and special education, aesthetic education and philosophy of education.

Leisure Education
Leisure education is a discipline within pedagogy that aims to reflect the education of children, youth and adults in their free time. Leisure education often involves creating specific methodologies and sometimes (not quite exactly in terms of terminology) also very direct educational work with different groups in their free time.

Aesthetic Education
Aesthetic education arts education through arts is understood at the Department of Education as a theoretical applied pedagogical discipline with a strong interdisciplinary nature. Its aim is a receptive and active aesthetic effect on students in fields close to art (art, music, drama, literature, film and media education).

Experiential Education
You can encounter experiential education at the Deparment of Education both at practical and theoretical research level: Methods of education by experience are used in adaptation courses for students entering Leisure Education study program - students of the this program might encounter some elements of education by experience within the optional course "Experiental Education I-III." It acquaints students with specific methods, theoretical models and historical development of this educational approach.

In terms of research, the department focuses on the effective use of experiential approach, e.g. in the development of problem-solving competencies. We cooperate on publishing a magazine and the Internet portal Gymnasion ( Some graduates of Leisure Education study program still deal with experiential education as a part of their PhD study at Palacký University Olomouc.

Religious Education
Religious education is a discipline on the border of pedagogy and theology. The objectives, contents, methods, and institutions of religious education are justified in terms of pedagogy. Theology, however, is for religious education a metapedagogical science, from which it derives its basic principles. Next to other humanities and social sciences, theology is also a science of reference. It leads a critical dialogue with them and provides new insights and impulses.

Ethical Education
The members of the department provide direct tution preparing teachers of ethical education within full-time and part-time study programs, and life-long learning (the accredited Further Education Courses for Teachers (DVPP) ) and also publish articles and monographs in the area of education and science teaching. Ethical education is seen as a personality cultivation in the field of ethics, i.e. practical philosophy.

Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of education as a part of philosophy or philosophical anthropology seeks philosophical foundation of education phenomena, especially teaching and education. It explores e.g. the origin and meaning of authority, relatedness between teacher and student, the concept of humanity as the targets of education etc.


Mgr. Karolina Půrová
phone: +420 387 773 556
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
room: 214C (2. patro)



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