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Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

The department focuses primarily on Aristotelian-oriented philosophy, both systematically in the context of contemporary issues and historically (especially medieval Aristotelianism and modern university scholasticism), in close contact with other major currents of contemporary philosophy, primarily analytic philosophy.


Joint Research Group for the Studies of Postmedieval Scholasticism (1500–1750) shields the cooperation between the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the Faculty of Theology of the University of South Bohemia (České Budějovice) and the Department for the Ancient and Medieval Thought at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Prague). Since the year 2008 the Group has comprised prominent Czech scholars engaged in relatively long-standing philosophical investigation of early modern scholasticism at a high international level. The intensive collaboration of both institutions has proved salutary for the easier realization of a number of collective activities. It may suffice to mention the successful submission of joint grant applications, including the project “Centre of Excellence”, the co-organization of international conferences, workshops and individual lectures of leading scholars from abroad, the mutual partnership with research centers abroad, the editing of (collective) monographs, the work on editions of medieval and Renaissance scholastic texts, and, last but not least, the co-editing of an established international journal, the Studia Neoaristotelica: A Journal of Analytical Scholasticism, which is presently published by Ontos Verlag.


Leona Šťastná, M. Sc.
phone: +420 389 033 530
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
room: 211


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